Friday 15 March 2019

GSuite and Google Classroom

GSuite and Google Classroom

As part of the College's Digital Strategy, all staff and students are being encouraged to use GSuite including Google Classroom.

To help facilitate this, our Learning Technologies Manager will be holding drop-ins in the LRC over the next few months for staff and students so they can find out how to access the various tools and understand how it works. 
In the LRC we are already beginning to explore how we might use it to engage with students.

In March these sessions will be on:

Tuesday 19th March 12:00 -13:00
Thursday 21st March 13:00-14:00
Thursday 28th March 13:00-14:00

Keep an eye on posters for sessions delivered in April, May and June.

There is a lot of content on Infozone including how to login to GSuite using your PRC login.

Google Classroom

See the Google Classroom video tutorials playlist here if you are a lecturer.

Below is a concise beginner video for lecturers which I found easy to understand :

If you are a student you can get a quick introduction from the video below.