Friday 14 June 2019

Loyalty Card Celebration Event

Loyalty Card Event

On the 6th June the LRC held it's annual loyalty card presentation event. This year we teamed up with the Wellbeing team and youth centre and held a joint presentation along with prizes for the yellow book competition (photos, poems etc. created by students about mental health).

We invited Alexander Gordon Smith (a writer of teenage horror novels including the Escape from Furnace series and The Fury) to speak to the students at the event. He spoke about how he started writing books and also how writing had helped him at difficult and stressful times in his life. The students enjoyed the event (which included afternoon tea) and many spoke to him afterwards.

A hamper of reading goodies was presented to the winner of the Loyalty card scheme this year and runner-ups received signed copies of Alexander Gordon Smith's latest book. We also held a free raffle giving everyone there a chance to win a copy too.

Photo of author holding a mask of a monster as he talks to students
Alexander Gordon Smith talking at the Loyalty Card event
Photo: Peterborough Regional College
Why not take a look at Alexander Gordon Smith's website and if you like scary things try one of his novels. We have several titles in the LRC which you can borrow.