Thursday 5 October 2017

LRC Grand Opening and Student Feedback on new LRC

LRC Grand Opening and Student Feedback

On Monday we hosted the official opening of the newly refurbished Learning Resource Centre. We were privileged to be joined by Fiona Onasanya, MP for Peterborough, who cut the ribbon for us and local author, Eva Jordan.

Eva Jordan, Terry Jones (PRC Principal) Louise Auckland (LRC Manager) and Fiona Onasanya
at the official opening of the newly refurbished Learning Resource Centre.
Photograph used with permission of Peterborough Telegraph

Fiona Onasanya was given a tour of the centre and Eva Jordan signed copies of 183 Times a Year, a teenage novel about relationships between mothers and daughters.

Eva Jordan signing a copy of her book in the LRC
Eva Jordan signing copies of her book
Photo: Peterborough Regional College

Thank you to PRC hospitality students who provided a super buffet for everyone who attended. You did a splendid job!

Student feedback on the new LRC (and other issues!)

We used Thinglink to create this image from our comments board to put on our Moodle pages. Roll your mouse over the information hotspots to see our responses.

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