Wednesday 22 May 2019

Things you like about yourselves

Mental Health Awareness Week

Leading up to Mental Health Awareness Week, we asked students to note on a paper person what they liked about themselves. The week's theme was body image but we had a range of responses and of course body image isn't everything! Here are some of the responses. Do any of them resonate with you?

  • My ability to speak in different languages.
  • I'm caring
  • My body has carried 5 amazing children
  • I like that I am thoughtful as I always put a lot of though in my presents I give people.
  • I like that I am weird and make people feel comfortable.
  • Resilience - proud to be me.
  • My loyalty to friends
  • That I always try my best and aim to make myself happy and others.
  • I am passionate and committed to my learning/
  • I like having glasses.
  • I like being a small human
  • My ability to make people smile.
  • I have nice eyes.
  • I'm tall which is OK I guess.
  • Caring less about my appearance the older I get!
  • I feel that I'm full of surprises, people never know what to expect.
  • My jawline.
  • I like being a unique soul.
  • I like having a strong will and mind.
  • The ability to be content
  • My hair. My beard.
  • My weird smile.
  • My happiness, honesty.

The BBC published an article worth reading this week called How to Keep Body Positive in the Selfie Era which gives some advice on the whole issue of body image.

Monday 13 May 2019

Mental Health Awareness Week 2019

Mental Health Awareness Week 

Every year for Mental Health Awareness Week the Mental Health Foundation reflect on aspects of, or what can contribute to mental health. This year that aspect is Body Image- how we feel and think about ourselves.  With the rise of social media we are bombarded daily with pictures of the “ideal body” and for those of us who don’t fit in to that body type, how we feel about ourselves can become problematic. The MHF are using Mental Health Awareness Week to remember that we should all #bebodykind to ourselves and to those around us. Remember, we only have one body and it is amazing.

Don’t always trust what you see!

Whilst it’s easy to be swept away by the “ideal body” image that is ever present in the media and in social media channels such as Instagram, it is important to remember that you shouldn’t always trust what you see. Magazine covers are edited. Social media posts such as Instagram are edited. Photo filters are everywhere. When scrolling through feeds it can be easy to forget that photos have been filtered, bodies altered, hair
made fuller, skin smoothed. Nobody is perfect- the image that is being portrayed to you in the media is unrealistic and celebrities are beginning to speak out against over-edited magazine covers-

Furthermore, celebrities are becoming ever more aware of how they are creating unrealistic role models and whilst we may focus on women when thinking of body image problems- it is also effecting men on a growing scale. Actor Richard Madden recently commented how his portrayal in The Bodyguard projects “a very unrealistic body image”

So next time you’re comparing yourself to people on TV or on social media- remember it’s not always real.
This programme, available on Box of Broadcasts and YouTube, shows exactly how easy it is to edit photos and explains how we see over 700 digitally edited photos each day.
(When asked to log in, please use your college log-in details)

 Body Positivity

Challenging the issue of the “ideal body” is body positivity- a movement that challenges society’s expectations and promotes the acceptance of all bodies, in all their various forms. There are plenty of body positive accounts you can follow on Instagram.
To find out more about body positivity, read this article-
(When asked to log in, please use your college log-in details)

What we’ll be up to

This week we will have a display in the LRC about what people like about their bodies- these have been filled out by students in the last few weeks. Furthermore, we will have a chill out colouring area if you need somewhere to take a break and don’t forget our Mental Health leaflet that can signpost you to services inside and out of college.

Always remember, if you need help, you can ask for it.
The Mental Health Foundation will be releasing stats and reports on how we can look after ourselves throughout Mental Health Awareness Week so make sure to check them out-

Friday 3 May 2019

Revision - try testing yourself


It's getting near that time of year again and exams are approaching. What is the best way to retain information? One study suggests there are 2 methods that are really effective:

  1. Testing yourself
  2. Spreading out your revision over time (this is the best method).
So it's not a good idea to leave it to the last minute and it's a good idea to come up with some ways of testing yourself.

Testing Yourself

Your lecturer may have access to past papers but these aren't always easy to get hold of so how else can you test yourself?

  • Create physical flashcards - the BBC website shows you how to do this  here
  • Create online flashcards using free online tools like Adobe Spark, Quizlet or StudyStack. You can also create them in Google Slides.
  • Use existing flashcards on these websites - BUT remember you don't know who has created them so check that the answers are right first.
  • When using the flashcards to test yourself, remember to keep those you don't get right to one side. This is a good way of showing you what you need to read through again. Then go back to these and  keep using them to test yourself until you get them all right.

Use existing quizzes from our Electronic Resources

Some of our online resources have quizzes and case studies built in so you don't have to create them yourself.
Primal has quizzes and case studies on anatomy and physiology. Just choose the relevant module e.g. cell biology or the skin.

Hairdressing Training has quizzes and activities in it. Choose quizzes from the home page, refine by which level you are on by using the menu on the left and then choose what you want to revise. Remember to do the quizzes several times until you get them all right.

The Health and Social Care resource has a risk assessment quiz, but the others are for reflective practice rather than for revision.