Wednesday 22 May 2019

Things you like about yourselves

Mental Health Awareness Week

Leading up to Mental Health Awareness Week, we asked students to note on a paper person what they liked about themselves. The week's theme was body image but we had a range of responses and of course body image isn't everything! Here are some of the responses. Do any of them resonate with you?

  • My ability to speak in different languages.
  • I'm caring
  • My body has carried 5 amazing children
  • I like that I am thoughtful as I always put a lot of though in my presents I give people.
  • I like that I am weird and make people feel comfortable.
  • Resilience - proud to be me.
  • My loyalty to friends
  • That I always try my best and aim to make myself happy and others.
  • I am passionate and committed to my learning/
  • I like having glasses.
  • I like being a small human
  • My ability to make people smile.
  • I have nice eyes.
  • I'm tall which is OK I guess.
  • Caring less about my appearance the older I get!
  • I feel that I'm full of surprises, people never know what to expect.
  • My jawline.
  • I like being a unique soul.
  • I like having a strong will and mind.
  • The ability to be content
  • My hair. My beard.
  • My weird smile.
  • My happiness, honesty.

The BBC published an article worth reading this week called How to Keep Body Positive in the Selfie Era which gives some advice on the whole issue of body image.

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