Thursday 26 September 2019

New reading group

New to Learning Resource Centre

LRC Reading Group

If you enjoy reading you may like to join our new Reading Group.

Why would I join a Reading Group?

1. Book Clubs are sociable and will give you a chance to make new friends.

2. You may read books which you might otherwise not have picked up, leading to new favourite authors or genres and an expansion of your reading horizons.

3. No matter how serious your book discussions, getting together and chatting on a regular basis can be fun.

4. Let’s face it books and refreshments go well together.

When and where will the LRC Reading Group meet?

Our Reading Group will meet up once a half term in the LRC small computer room.  The first meeting is on Wednesday 9th October 12-1pm. During this session you will get to know one another and choose the books which we will be reading as a group this year.

How will the books be chosen?

The Reading Group members will choose the books that we will read.  The books will be brought for the group and members will be able to keep their copy of the book.

The Reading Group is at lunchtime, when will I have time to eat my lunch?

Reading Group members will be able to eat their lunch during the session and soft drinks will be provided.  Remember to bring your lunch with you.

If after reading this post you would like to join or find out more information about our Reading Group, either speak to a member of staff before 9th October, or simply turn up at the first session. 

I hope to see you there.

Friday 20 September 2019

LRC Loyalty card and reading

Do you enjoy reading or want to read more?

The LRC is running a loyalty card scheme again this year to encourage as many students as possible to borrow and read 6 books throughout the year.

Reading can be enjoyable, relaxing and sometimes challenging. However, did you know that reading fiction particularly helps you improve your English. You start to absorb new words and ways of writing which can't easily be taught. There is also research that reading helps improve your empathy and social skills as well as your creativity.

Image of a poster advertising the Loyalty Card
Loyalty Card poster
Copyright Peterborough Regional College

To take part, come in to the LRC, speak to a member of staff at the desk and sign up. As you read a book (which has to be fiction or a biography), we stamp your card. After 3 books you can collect a free tote bag and once you've read 6 you are entered into a prize draw and invited to a special Loyalty Card event towards the end of the academic year.

Tips for getting better at reading.

Towards the end of last week, the BBC Ideas website released a short video called "How to get seriously good at reading" . Even if you love reading, there are some interesting facts in the video that you may not know.

Friday 13 September 2019

Welcome to new students and 6 things.

Welcome to PRC 

Whether you are a new student or a returning student (or even a new or returning member of staff) - Welcome to the LRC and the College from all Learning Resource Centre (i.e. library) staff!

Do you know 6 things about the LRC?

The LRC is running a student induction quiz this year themed around "6 things that you need to know about the LRC".

It includes things such as how to set up a pin, how to register for an LRC loyalty card and finding the opening times of the LRC.

It will help you with using the Learning Resource Centre and should make it easier to use for your studies.

Every completed induction quiz gets entered into a prize draw so, by taking part, not only are you finding out how to use the LRC but you could also win a prize.

Chester the Puffin -our LRC mascot.
Photo: Peterborough Regional College

We look forward to receiving your entries and helping you familiarise yourself with the LRC.