Friday 20 September 2019

LRC Loyalty card and reading

Do you enjoy reading or want to read more?

The LRC is running a loyalty card scheme again this year to encourage as many students as possible to borrow and read 6 books throughout the year.

Reading can be enjoyable, relaxing and sometimes challenging. However, did you know that reading fiction particularly helps you improve your English. You start to absorb new words and ways of writing which can't easily be taught. There is also research that reading helps improve your empathy and social skills as well as your creativity.

Image of a poster advertising the Loyalty Card
Loyalty Card poster
Copyright Peterborough Regional College

To take part, come in to the LRC, speak to a member of staff at the desk and sign up. As you read a book (which has to be fiction or a biography), we stamp your card. After 3 books you can collect a free tote bag and once you've read 6 you are entered into a prize draw and invited to a special Loyalty Card event towards the end of the academic year.

Tips for getting better at reading.

Towards the end of last week, the BBC Ideas website released a short video called "How to get seriously good at reading" . Even if you love reading, there are some interesting facts in the video that you may not know.

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