Friday 31 January 2020

LRC Reading Group

LRC Reading Group Update

What we have read so far...

Our Reading Group met on Wednesday 29th January, where we discussed Alex L Harrow’s debut novel ‘The ten thousand doors of January’ and ‘Paper Towns by John Green.

The group had mixed views about ‘The ten thousand doors of January’. Half of the group found that it was a difficult story to get into with a lot of information given to you all at once. Whereas the other half found that after a couple of chapters you flew through the book as you wanted to know what happened next and became thoroughly invested in the characters. Though the book would fall into the fantasy genre, it is a book that I believe would appeal to a wider audience. Give it a go, borrow ‘The thousand doors of January’ next time you visit the LRC

‘Paper Towns’ by John Green was hit for us all. We thoroughly enjoyed the story of Quentin, Margo, Ben and Radar, as we went with them on their journey as they solved the cryptic clues, which following her disappearance Margo had left behind. The plot was brilliant and very well written. We recommend this book.

Both books were fantastic books for a Reading Group to read as there were a wealth of topics which you could bring into the group discussion. I look forward to discussing our next book. 

Next meeting

For our next meeting on Wednesday 26th February 12.30 -1pm, we will be reading ‘Doctor Sleep’ by Stephen King. 

Front cover of the book
Front cover of Doctor Sleep by Stephen King

Before the summer holidays we will be reading:

To all the boys I’ve loved before by Jenny Han and How to be happy by Eva Woods.

If you would like to join the group please speak to a member of staff in the LRC. You will be given a copy of the book which will be yours to keep.

If you enjoy reading why not join our Reading Group today. 

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