Tuesday 17 November 2020

Top tips for studying at home


It can be hard adjusting to the new normal, studying at home when you are used to coming into college and seeing your friends, having to get to grips with new technology and new ways of working and meeting with people. Here are some of our top tips to help you survive during this time. 

  1. Give yourself regular breaks: It can be quite easy to get engrossed in work and then realise 2 or 3 hours have passed, so make sure you give yourself regular breaks to recharge. You also need to take regular breaks from the screen, 5-10 minutes every hour is recommended (https://www.hse.gov.uk/msd/dse/work-routine.htm#:~:text=Take%20short%20breaks%20often%2C%20rather,meetings%20or%20making%20phone%20calls.) as too much screen time can damage your eyesight. 

  1. Be kind to yourself: you may have other demands at home, which may not have been present whilst you were in college, just take things one step at a time. 

  1. Engage in your online lessons as you would in person: turn on your camera, take an active part in the discussion as if you were in the classroom. 

  1. Keep in regular contact with your tutor: although you may be self isolating, don’t virtually isolate yourself, make sure you keep in contact with your tutor, if you have any worries or concerns or even just to let them know how you are getting on. 

  1. Try to have a separate work space: If you are able, then organise a separate working area at home, that is for working only and make sure when you are taking breaks, that you move away from this area.

Also, don’t forget we have our click and collect and select and collect services (https://sites.google.com/peterborough.ac.uk/lrc/lrc-home ) which can help you access the books you need. We also have access to a wide range of databases to help with your studies. For further help, you can email lrc@peterborough.ac.uk or we have our online chat facility, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, 12-2pm, go to Google chat and search for LRC to talk to a librarian.

(https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Sleepy_Cartoon_Woman_Working_From_Home.svg )

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