Friday 9 February 2018


Safer Internet Day

This week (6th) was Safer Internet Day, providing a focus for young people especially on saying safe online. The official campaign this year promotes the use of social media to build others up, not to tear them down. It is not enough just to stop cyber-bullying, but we should also be looking to use social media in a positive way. We can all make a positive difference.
The slogan this year is "Create, connect and share respect: a better internet starts with you".

The website has some short videos including a rap.

For 14-18 years olds, the theme particularly is showing empathy. This is putting yourself in someone else's shoes and showing them understanding.
See the video below (there are also signed versions available).

The site also has a quiz which is downloadable or you can do it online - How does the internet affect your day to day life and your friendships online?

One teenager, Trisha Prabhu, gave a TEDtalk a few years ago called Rethink before you Type where she explains how she sees the problem and proposes a solution.

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