Friday 2 February 2018

Harry Potter Book Night and Time to Talk Day

Harry Potter Book Night

This week we have celebrated Harry Potter book night with Fantastic Beasts themed activities: word searches, colouring sheets, displays and a niffler hunt. 

Chester holding Fantastic Beasts book
LRC mascot Chester displaying the niffler hunt prize.
Photo: Peterborough Regional College

Photo of display of Harry potter books
Harry Potter Book Night display
Photo: Peterborough Regional College

Time to Talk Day

1st February was Time to Talk Day. According to a BBC article two thirds of UK adults have no one to talk to about their problems. The government is even talking about introducing a loneliness minister.  Time to Change introduced Time to Talk Day this year to encourage everyone to talk. Their focus is talking about mental health, but conversational skills (part of good verbal communication skills) are an important skill to have in life generally - including at College and in the workplace. Kent University website quotes a study from the Association of Graduate Recruiters saying that communication comes second in the top ten of skills shortages amongst graduates.

Some important tips are to listen first, use open questions, respond with encouragement and enforcement and share back.

Resources on verbal communication skills

The LRC has several e-books on communication skills including Alan Barker's Improve your Communication Skills.  You will need to use your network login to read this. 

The Skills you Need website has a section on conversational skills as well as other areas of communication.

Kent University careers service has a section on speaking and listening.

BBC Skillswise has a very simple communication skills quiz.

Cengage has a listening quiz on their website.

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